Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Woman Poker Player Magazine Tops News For Unique Visitors

I have been so excited this year, dubbed the year of the women of poker! It seems though I have only just realized in the past week the actual accomplishments and growth to the fullest extent when comparing poker news sites with Woman Poker Player Magazine soaring to the top of the charts!

As we come close the the end of 2010 and into 2011 the realization and truth is now here. W
oman Poker Player Magazine has more unique and wonderful visitors then any of the popular news sites online!

With women reaching great heights in poker and focus by many people in poker on building the women poker community this was always expected I guess! Men always go where women are for obvious reasons and whether they want to admit it or not focus a lot of their attention on stories and articles as well as news. This is another thing that has gone in the favor of womanp
okerplayer.com the men also love it! There is an abundance of strategy articles, poker news, poker stories, and most importantly "interesting content" that goes beyond the scope of "just poker news".

Just this morning I checked the traffic again. It has remained the same - the growth of womanpokerplayer.com magazine traffic is beyond comprehension. This graph clearly shows the growth so you can see!

Clicking on the graph will take you directly to the site comparison on the internet!
Woman Poker player Magazine is shown in blue and as you can see it sure is growing!

A big congratulations to the women in poker, to the staff at
Woman Poker Player Magazine and most importantly to Maryann Morrison who is the push behind womanpokerplayer.com and is always there for the women of poker regardless of what team, age, level of play or site they come from.

Women in poker and
Woman Poker Player Magazine can stand very tall and proud! If you are not already part of this fabulous, friendly, informative community - be sure to go there and have a look and join up! There will be hundreds of people joining you each hour!


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