Saturday, January 1, 2011

Poker Manifestation Positive Thought and Determination

"Come to momma chippies!"

A few days before the new year set in I wrote about the year that had been. I decided that ultimate focus on my regime was a must for 2011 and also a few great poker wins. 2010 really sucked for me win wise, and although I had a fabulous 2011 in focus, I decided to hit out 2010 with a bang! I was so down with a huge downswing in my game and terrible choices when it came to making decisions at the table that I made it a must to WIN an MTT before 2010 ended. This would see me step into 2011 a happy and focused poker player on an upswing with the thought in my head
"Come to momma chippies!"
Instead of "here we go again with another loss!"

This decision is what made me realize I could do it! If i set my mind to it I could do anything! That's something that I had always believed in but somehow lost in 2010. I told my good friend Michael and my partner Tyrone - I am going to win this! Tyrone seemed pessimistic (and for good reason based on my results) and Michael said you can do it! Although negativity is something no-one needs, tyrones blasphemous comment made me more determined. i love to prove him wrong!

I made an effort to keep in the top 10 for the most part of the tournament and brought myself to a level of "zone" over and over i kept declaring that "I was taking it down." Unfortunately part way through I copped a bad, bad beat leaving me 2nd last with only 900 chips. Tyrone was sure that he was right and that i was going to be moody after this. I refused to give up. There were less then 20 players to go. A few double ups was all it was going to take and I was back! A lot of double ups actually! The leader was on 40,000 chips!

I sat, I faught back, hand after hand after hand. With 4 players to go, I knocked 2 out in one hand and found myself heads up in an awkward position. I had a 5.5:1 chip deficit headsup. The leader was on 110,000 chips by memory, I had 19,000. I refused to give up, I had come this far! I had made my mind up and i was NOT going to lose!

The ball was in my court to play the best headsup game I ever had to take this tourney down. Lucky for me I had focused on headsup play for the last few months of 2010! A few traps and a lot of agression afterwards and the tourney was mine! I had never cheered so much in my entire poker life. It was now December 31st 2010 and I had won an MTT! The last for the year as manifested and planned. The win wasnt big and the field far from enormous, regardless I did what i had planned to!

At the same time I won a $50 double up and a $20 bounty tourney where I knocked out 7 bounties. I could not have asked for a better start for 2011 when it came to my lower stakes poker game!

So, to summarise, there is the meaning of my blog title I now have my mind set on Poker New year Happiness. I know that we can all set out to do something and DO IT! Manifest it and make it happen! That is my plan, just do it, zone myself and DO IT! 2011 is going to be a fabulous year for me in poker, I can feel it!


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