Friday, March 4, 2011

Poker Drugs Alcohol Sex Thugs

I am a quadruplet when it comes to these things - Poker, Drugs, Alcohol, and Sex. They are 4 big words that people seem to associate together making poker players look like thugs. I am not sure I am a thug though! Maybe many poker players are, maybe however those that indulge in all 4 things are simply normal human beings. Maybe all poker players secretly binge and crave for these things and possibly there are many poker players that do nothing but play poker. Certainly I am no angel though. I am not a demon either in saying that.

All of the biggest named poker players in the world have at least one of these things in their list of activities. Certainly they have poker, thats without question. Most of them also drink alcohol from what I have worked out and they no doubt have sex too. Even the women that look like saints in our industry have sex, I believe the proof is there in their off spring. A lot of our lady players and many of our male players have kids so sex also goes without saying.
Does anyone really think there are players out there that do not do anything exce
pt play poker? They are all human, they all live lives. Some a little steamier then others, regardless even our senior citizens in poker "play up".

When it comes to drugs though we are thankfully leaving some players in the royal room. Drugs however is a wide word. What i mean is there are many types of drugs.

My quadruplet lifestyle of Poker Drugs and Alcohol isnt as bad as some players. My list includes the biggest killing drug: Cigarettes (eew - disgusting). Also the pharmaceutical medications I take for my an
xiety and panic attacks on a daily basis one being valium. Add then my pain relief when needed which is pretty frequent. I pretty much quadruple drugs let alone poker drugs alcohol and sex which I guess is pretty bad. Does this make me look like an industry thug though?

In regard to the poker industry and outsiders, I care what people think. I do consider myself somewhat of a get up and go role model. I dont really care what other players think about me though, do you? Here's the thing when it comes to other poker players and getting your name out there - if they are thinking they are talking and if they are talking its good for me! As long as they are not telling lies like saying I am a bong head, a coke head or a crack whore it does
n't bother me. Even when they say these things its like water off a ducks back to me - most people know me well enough to know I condone drug use (thats sounding hypocritical but true - marijuana through to heroin, I dont care what "illegal drug" you take, dont offer it to me.

I have take
n quite a few drugs in my past though. For anyone that doesnt know me so well I was a stoner and a half until I was about 25. All day, every day I smoked pot. I look back now and think of how much money and how many brain cells I wasted and cringe. Not sure why i did that other then it became habitual and was really pretty awesome to be smashed all day. The addiction went out the door as quick as Santa Claus though. I just woke one morning and said "The party is over" and never smoked that crap again. I have many friends that tug away, many who play poker, I simply ignore them as they smoke their joints or pipes and continue drinking my drink.

I have also taken speed (I drank it lol). I drank it before a trip to crown casino about 12 years ago (yes I have been around a lot longer then most of you Aussie's think when it comes to Crown Casino but thats another story). I didnt sleep all night and day, I drank more alcohol then I ever have in my life over the 36 hour period and I didnt feel dunk. I smashed about 7k over the black jack tables and about 8k right back at me. I danced, roamed the streets and partied in my crown towers room until my body was jumping in and out of consciousness. I wont do it again. The after effects are disgusting.

Anyway, enough about what I have done, i am not here to self confess myself as a crazy psycho drug ridden, drunken smoking poker player with a sex drive that would kill a nun if she found out. Mostly as that isnt true. I am trying to logically think if all poker players dabble, used to dabble or closet dabble and if the world thinks we are thugs.
To look at the world beyond poker. To look at the people who do not play poker. I think we are pretty even. I think they can keep their traps shut if they want to tart mouthing and calling poker players thugs.

How many of you have seen little old ladies sitting pumping hundreds of dollars through a poker machine they are literally filling their life with as they drink wine and smoke a cigarette? Ha! Caught! Little old ladies against poker players, we are onto YOU!

How many people have seen young guys in suits drunk, smoking a cigarette and high on drugs about to hit the casino tables as they walk on in jamming coins in slot machines as they do their weekly wage? Business men you have been OUTED! ha!

How many people have seen our biggest celebrities playing up? (Thats self explanatory).

How many have seen average Joe's hit the TAB and sportsbetting on the weekend as they get drunk and have a fag (Aussie slang for cigarette) in their backyard by the bbq? CAUGHT!

Lastly, how many people have thought about what the queen of England does? She sure a hell had sex in her earlier days and sure as hell do all the princesses and princes and the president and the politicians. All of you are outed. Your all bad for a reason. I am sure you all "sip champagne or scotch" I am sure you all pop a pill when your head hurts and I am sure you have all gambled on a game which is less likely to make you money then poker would.

In summary -

Dear world full of people that think poker players are thugs. Please take a long hard look at yourself. You calling poker players thugs or thinking of them as drunks, and addicts that take drugs have sex, get pissed and gamble please know that you do also.

To the poker players that REALLY party hard and hit hard drugs and spend their entire life pissed. I will enjoy playing you when you are in that state and eliminating some chance of that in your old age by taking your coinage.

That is all!


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