Divided Global Online Poker United
I am so annoyed right now about the divided global online poker issue. By divided I mean divided communities, divided friends, divided continents and divided countries. The division isn't just in relation to the laws that each country may have, or even the divide on whether or not online poker should be banned. This divide goes further then most people see. It goes deep into the hearts of once were close nit poker communities that played games together.
At the moment I have no right to sit and play a game of friendly poker online with friends that i have played with for almost 2 years. Some friends I have played online with for more then 7 years! We have to choose a site that caters for us both. A site that caters for both Australia and the USA and also of course the European countries. Its getting hard! Its getting very hard.
The sites that cater for all players have a low amount of traffic and so players are not happy and wont happily play there together. This causes a further divide as people beg their friends to join this site and join that site. When it comes to Australia mostly we do not have it too bad at the moment. We still have the luxury of playing on the online giants. That doesn't mean we can play with mates though and have discussions about our games. Simply we cant and that's something I personally treasured. Chatting to and joining into games with my buddies overseas is something I thoroughly enjoyed!
Many a player is happy to stick with the sites they are on and I respect that. I will personally continue playing the GTD tournaments and some cash games on FTP. Many of my overseas buddies have opted to play on merge which I so greatly miss. I say however we all work together on breaking the divide and breaking down the walls stopping us from having our regular play together. To stand united is just what we need.
There is no point USA and PPA standing up and attempting to just legalize online play in the USA for without Australia and Europe USA have still lost customers (as such). What we need is unity, global unity! I am the first to jump in and support the PPA but having branches globally is going to help. PPA (poker players alliance) as far as i am concerned is for all players and working at the moment on the areas most hard hit. Who however is working on preventative measures and discussion with governments in other countries other then the USA? I am thinking no-one! An individual here and there but there is no united platform.
As you see, it isnt just the FBI, DOJ and governments from around the world and of course the limitations to play on certain sites dividing global online poker - but rather the online poker players themselves. Uniting to places such as ELG sites, Bodog and BetSharks which accept all players from all countries is a good start. Branching the PPA out to other countries is the second thing we should do. Any takers? Australia? Europe? We need reps! If not reps as part of the PPA reps on an individual level that can pass information back and forth globally so everyone knows what on earth is going on on a global scale.
We really need to prove we will not give up and we need to keep online poker moving as much as we can. I know when it comes to the rules and regulations in Australia I know stuff all, I would like to be able to go to a site that spells it out for me though, as well as what is going on with developments on bannings and also reinstating against bans. Also knowing when there are law changes would be good!
Anyway there's my 2 cents worth, global uniting on sites that accept us all to make the job harder for the DOJ and FBI to close us entirely in the USA and joining forces all the way around the world! I would like to know your thoughts and also if you happen to be a representative from any country. Do let me know!
Let me know if you would like a private game set up because I personally wouldn't mind one with my mates!