Sunday, May 1, 2011

Poker Tell Detection Scientifically and Psychologically

My last post was all about reading people eyes for lies. It explained which way the eyes moved when a person was thinking a certain way. It explained how to tell, through the eyes if someone was fabricating a story. Over the years I have done extensive research on how to spot a liar through their body movements. So really I should have started with that as a post for anyone out there who is switching from online to live poker play.

Why, you ask; did I ever study to become somewhat a human lie detector? My foremost "job" before poker is an analyst. My first position held was with the Australian Defense force working with a civil company called Communications Design and Management. I was thrown into deep water at the age of 18 to get in depth information on the Armies current communications support systems before implementing a new one and watching all the current workers get sacked. My tell detection and study started here.

The communications support team that was in place before we were thrown in to take over knew what was happening. They knew the longer that it took for me personally to get the information, the longer they were in a job. They also knew if I couldnt get the information they were home free. In addition they knew that there were un-notated government assets all over the base that they could take with them. My job was to get a grip on what they were doing and how their systems worked, where the data and physical assets were kept and how the systems were monitored ....and how to use the current system before I shut it down and put the new one in place as they walked out the door.

As you can imagine this was one tough job. There as little effort to give assistance and stand over tactics certainly were out of the question. The only was I was getting my information was to be more deceptive then they were and to detect every lie I possibly could as i interrogated them day after day on the happenings of the current system and flipped through paper work and buildings for hard evidence and knowledge.

One of the first things I remember reading about as I tried with frustration at the highest level possible to extract the necessary information was how the brain worked when they were telling lies to me. I learned from my reading that 1 part of the brain is used when you are telling the truth where as 3 parts are used when you lie. I also learned that one who lies covers with another lie and another lie and another lie until they can't lie anymore and they trap themselves at a dead end. A person who is telling the truth is straight to the point and has little to say. There is also telling tales by omission, telling the truth but not all of the truth, simply not giving the full story. In this case the brain works the same as when one doesn't lie at all. That's when you really need to weed out the info.

There are always the people around that are brilliant at telling tales, or rather hiding the truth. Poker players are obviously good at hiding the truth especially when they batten down the hatches, close their mouth, have on their sunglasses and hats / hoodies to cover their face and stay as still as they can. Weeding out info can be very dangerous when it comes to this situation in poker, but at the same time very profitable - dependable on how skilled the other player your against is and also how good your reading skills are when it comes to picking up tells on them and placing them in a memory bank.

Body Movement Tells Defined Scientifically

When a poker player is on a big bluff, unless a genius, he will have more movements then if he has a monster hand. Let's look at an example and we can see why I say this:

If he is on a monster hand and has gone all in he is telling the truth and therefore only 1 part of his "lie section" of his brain is working - he is saying to himself "I have the hand, please call". This is the truth, he will likely be as still as a statue.

If the player is completely bluffing out his arse, he has 3 parts of his brain working, its been shown on MRI's. He will be fidgety, or move more even if he is staying as still as he can. There are very few brains that can avoid these movements. He simply can not concentrate on staying still as he is thinking far too much as he uses 3 parts of his brain. The movements occur as 3 parts of the brain are working to fabricate his hand strength (or tell a lie). He is saying to himself "I hope this bluff works, I am screwed if he calls me, am I giving away any information, shit I better stay still, what is he thinking? This could make or break me". As you can see the bluffer is thinking a lot! These thoughts make uncontrollable movements happen, moving in his seat, moving his head, nerves ticking, movement of the hands. He is thinking sit still, don't give away tells but he is thinking a lot of other things also.

Of course one can be highly skilled in bluffing and lying and not move at all - possibly they are zoning out of the situation and thinking of another hand they won with the nuts. This is a good hint for your own psychological control and a reason many players meditate and spend hours relaxing and zoning out of their thoughts into a state of almost unconsciousness. For some it comes naturally, for some it doesn't. Live poker is not all about skill of card play but psychological control also.

Reading Tells or Lies Through Seating Position of a Player

These are probably the most easiest tells to read. One wouldn't think so as the person is moving all around the place in a casual manner. The player is moving around, chilling out, having a beer - He sure as hell isn't in the make or break hand thats going to cost him masses of dollars.

Simply, if a player is bluffing he will move and sit the following ways:

He may lean back in his chair (move away from you)
Sit to the side of his chair
Keep his arms crossed
Keep his hands tightly folded in his lap.

Reading Tells Through the Voice

By the time we are in the all crucial hand with another player, we have usually spent some amount of time listening to their voice. If the voice suddenly changes pitch and speed, one can assume something is triggering this. Usually liars change their voice patterns suddenly when a lie cuts in. You need to remember that if someone has the nuts and is playing for a lot of money they will be nervous and their voice will change then to. There are also the players that will remain silent. Voice tells must be equipped with other tells. As noted above.

Combination tells are always the best method of read. For the record, the voice alike other body parts that give away tells are effected by whats called the autonomic nervous system. This is where the science comes into it for those wondering why I am making such remarks. When it comes to voice, if you ask a person a question and they are telling tales their body movements work in opposition to their answer. An example:

Q:"Do you have the nuts?"
A:"No" as they nod their head indicates they do
Q:"Do you have the nuts?"
A:"Yes why else would i go all in?" As they shake their head in a no gesture side to side.

Try it yourself, answer someone falsely (in good taste of course) and as you are speaking to them your head movements will indicate your voice is spitting out lies! I did this to my partner just the other night lol. I asked if he liked the lasagne - He said "It was delicious" as he shook his head in a no gesture so casually, calmly and unknowingly that he was telling me no as his head shook left to right.

Reading Tells Through Smaller Movements & Self Reaction to The Person

These are gestures commonly associated with liars and bluffers:

They cover their mouth
They rub their eyes
They touch their nose
They scratch their neck
They touch their ears

If our gut tells us they are lying or bluffing yet they are perfectly still and not making any of these movements nor showing any of the other signs, the automated process of our autonomic nervous system does something very strange. We start what they should be doing. You will find that YOU do this when you have a very strong hand and your instinct tells you that you have them beaten. You will be the one touching your nose, neck, ear - whatever your system has you automatically do. Sometimes this can result in a liar being tricked into you being the liar or bluffer, whichever you may wish to call it.

A scenario - the bluffer is doing nothing to set of warning bells, there are no visual tells but you think he is bluffing, you are going to touch these notated areas of your body without realizing. If he is tuned into bluffs and tells and what to look for and you re-raise him, he may push all in thinking your also bluffing. This is obviously great for you and something to consider when analyzing a situation.

In short, any small change in a persons behavior indicates lies, bluffs and deceit.


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