Thursday, May 19, 2011

Degenerate Poker Scumbags 1

So where do I start? Do I start by listing the degenerate poker scumbags I have come face to face with during my time in the poker industry? Do I list the worst Degenerate Poker Scumbag I have ever seen in my life? Do I bite my tongue and name absolutely no-one? Maybe I can group them, there are quite a few. There are scumbags in every industry of course so having them in the poker industry doesn't make poker "bad".

I guess I will categorize these merchants. Placing them in categories so that those that are unaware can be on the look out for them. They can watch for the different types of low life's they may face in their poker world both online and live. Let's start with the obvious which are the thieves!

I have been ripped off by a few people in the past. Not by necessarily loaning them money either. The rip offs come in all shapes and forms and they rip people off in all shapes and forms. They can appear to be rich or they can appear to be the common person who's suffering a rough patch. It happens to players of all levels, they all get ripped at one time or another. Sadly these rip off merchants are supposed friends or people offering a contract or business proposal which appears above board.

My advice is to never mix poker business with friendships for starters. Secondly, before signing into any contract be sure to look at the persons history and get good references about the way they have handled money with other poker industry members before proceeding with anything. Of course do not loan money or pay up front for a tourney you may be getting backed for either! I met the biggest Degenerate Poker Scumbag who is a rip off last year. He continues to save face and probably continues to rip people off too. A person who claimed innocence when he was as guilty as sin, certainly I know he is as guilty as sin as I sent warnings about him before he did the rip off scam of his life time to date. How could I have? I saw him rip people off in front of my eyes before he concocted this master plan. Had people come to me for a reference (knowing I had dealt with him) prior to dealing with this "thing" they could have saved a fair amount of cash.

Ok so rip off Degenerate Poker Scumbags are out of the way, next are the Degenerate Poker Scumbags who attempt to make fame after someone elses poker tragedy or major down swing or purely from someone elses back.

Take black Friday as an example. How many people in the world are totally guttered about this? How many people are so self centered and greedy they would use mockery of the destruction of peoples lives to gain popularity and attempt to get fame from it? Sadly, there are some out there. These people are usually live players who don't know the first fucking thing about online poker, nor the poker industry; you can tell as they make statements such as: U.S. players can not play anymore and what to do now there is no online poker. Anyone with half a clue knows there is still online poker for US players! These types of people are the worst for poker. When it comes to Degenerate Poker Scumbags.

These "Fame Hunters" are the people in poker that disgust me the most. They care not for the poker industry, they care not for their poker associates, they care not for their friends so if you are their friend re-think - don't think they do care for you! If they did, they certainly wouldn't be flaming you and your lifestyle, nor that of your other friends.

These "Fame Hunters" bring nothing to poker that is worthwhile except destruction for players of all levels, again; for their self centered means. Sadly for them they think they will be the next big talk show hit, radio star, TV presenter or poker celeb when in reality they are wasting their time and people are laughing in their faces thinking ....what a dick! To those out there mocking poker, poker players, the poker industry and poker online - you should go and join the plum noses. Be specifically cautious that these people do not use you as part of their fame hunting game. If you have any level of respect in the poker industry they will magnetize you and use you for all they can to gain the fame they believe they will one day have. If you are just a small time player, they will use the ass out of you to spread the word of their stupidity (I say stupidity as that's all it really amounts to).

Those people that stink, have poor hygiene, take illicit drugs, are always drunk, wear trash clothing and are the most hated person at a table as players just can't stand the scent they have wafting into thier nose nor the germs they place on the chips with their un manicured filthy nails and snot rubbed hands. Can be my 3rd and last Degenerate Poker Scumbag for the days post.

These people are very bad for poker's image and not only do people see them as degenerate, they smell them as degenerate and know they are nothing but a depressed failure who in reality should be wanted by the table as they are losers without a doubt. They certainly are not a good image for the industry though! They evident-ally don't sleep enough, sit for too long, don't care for them self and are obviously losing and then probably going to G.A to whine about it. I say they get a grip, get away and keep all their stenches, germs, misery, negativity and complaints to themselves. Don't come to me begging for cigarettes and asking for money after you leave a table. Go away already! Please don't feel sorry for these people! They are degenerate poker scumbags and have choices just like the rest of us and my friends - they alike other scumbags choose to live and be this way!

That is all for now. I will talk about the other degenerate poker scumbags I have faced that you should be on the look out for in my post number 2 when I get to it.


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